Students set up a spherical coordinate system on a balloon, draw a spherical harmonic, and use the balloon as a prop to describe the main features of their spherical harmonic to the class.
Spherical harmonics are continuous functions on the surface of a sphere.
The \(\ell\) and \(m\) values tell us how the function oscillates across the surface.
Spherical harmonics are complex valued functions.
Each small group is assigned a spherical harmonic from the list below:
- \(Y_1^1\)
- \(Y_1^0\)
- \(Y_1^{-1}\)
- \(Y_2^1\)
- \(Y_2^0\)
- \(Y_2^{-1}\)
- \(Y_3^1\)
- \(Y_3^0\)
- \(Y_3^{-2}\)
Using a tiny Argand diagram, represent the value of the spherical harmonic at:
- at the equator (\(\theta = \pi/2\)) for \(\phi = 0, \tfrac{\pi}{4}, \tfrac{\pi}{2}, \tfrac{3\pi}{4}, \pi, \tfrac{5\pi}{4}, \tfrac{3\pi}{2}, \tfrac{7\pi}{4}\)
- repeat for \(\theta = \tfrac{\pi}{6}, \tfrac{\pi}{3}, \tfrac{2\pi}{3}, \tfrac{5\pi}{4}\)
Tip: Make reference marks in black and draw the complex value of the spherical harmonic in a different color.
Students set up a spherical coordinate system on a balloon, draw a spherical harmonic, and use the balloon as a prop to describe the main features of their spherical harmonic to the class.
The instructor points out that visualizing complex numbers on a spherical surface is challenging, and then describes a way to visually represent a field of complex numbers with a set of Argand diagrams (examples below).
Note that the size of each circle on the Argand diagram represents magnitude, and the direction of the radial spoke represents phase.
During the activity the teachhing team should ask questions such as