- If you haven't yet done so, this is the time to introduce the vector surface element \(d\vec{A}= \hat{n}\; dA\). Point out that the only unique direction related to a surface (in three dimensions) is the normal to the surface.
- Start with the [[swbq:emsw:vfswflux|Recall Definition of Flux]] SWBQ. This SWBQ is an opportunity for the instructor to find out what the students already know about the flux so as to focus the succeeding discussion appropriately.
Activity Prompt: Give a group of rulers (of different sizes) to a small group of students and ask them to form a vector field.
- Hold the hoop with some of the rulers pointing through it and lead a whole class discussion about how you would measure the flux through the hoop.
- Specify that the students hands are the points at which the field is being evaluated, and the length of the ruler is the magnitude of the field at that point.
- See [[activities:reflections:adopters:vffluxconcept|reflections]] and [[whitepapers:narratives:fluxshort|narrative]] for examples from specific classes.