- how to distinguish the two different uses of the word “linear” in a linear charge density that varies linearly;
- some of the words for describing functional variation: linear, quadratic, exponential, falls off like ..., proportional to the square, etc.
- how to “name the thing you don't know” with an algebraic symbol so that it can appear in an equation.
Consider a thin rod of length \(L\) lying on the \(z\)-axis. Find an algebraic expression for the mass density of the rod if the mass density at \(z=0\) is \(\lambda_0\) and at \(z=L\) is \(7\lambda_0\) and you know that the mass density increases linearly.
This activity is surprisingly difficult for some students. This activity is partly an opportunity to introduce language for functional dependence and partly an exercise in modeling physical behavior with a function with parameters that must be determined. Once students get the idea, it's pretty straightforward, but it helps solidify the concept if the exercise recurs a few times as part of future in-class activities and homework.