Static Fields 2021
The distance \(\left\vert\vec r -\vec r\,{}'\right\vert\) between
the point \(\vec r\) and the point
\(\vec r'\) is a coordinate-independent, physical and geometric quantity. But,
in practice, you will need to know how to express this quantity in different
coordinate systems.
Hint: Be sure to use the textbook:
Find the distance \(\left\vert\vec r -\vec r\,{}'\right\vert\) between
the point \(\vec r\) and the point \(\vec
r'\) in rectangular coordinates.
The distance \(\left\vert\vec r -\vec r\,{}'\right\vert\) between the point
\(\vec r\,{}'=(x\,{}',y\,{}',z\,{}')\) and the point \(\vec r=(x,y,z)\) is a
coordinate-independent, physical and geometric quantity. But, in practice,
you will need to know how to express this quantity in different coordinate
Show that this same distance written in cylindrical coordinates is:
\left|\vec r -\vec r\,{}'\right| =\sqrt{s^2+s\,{}'^2-2ss\,{}'\cos(\phi-\phi\,{}') +(z-z\,{}')^2}
Show that this same distance written in spherical coordinates is:
\left\vert\vec r -\vec r\,{}'\right\vert
Now assume that \(\vec r\,{}'\) and \(\vec r\) are in the \(x\)-\(y\) plane. Simplify
the previous two formulas.