Mathematica Activity

30 min.

Effective Potentials
Students use a pre-written Mathematica notebook or a Geogebra applet to explore how the shape of the effective potential function changes as the various parameters (angular momentum, force constant, reduced mass) are varied.

Mathematica Activity

30 min.

Using Technology to Visualize Potentials
  • How to represent 3-d scalar fields in several different ways;
  • The symmetries of a some simple charge distributions such as a dipole and a quadrupole.

Mathematica Activity

30 min.

Visualising the Gradient
Students use prepared Sage code to predict the gradient from contour graphs of 2D scalar fields.
  • Found in: Static Fields, AIMS Maxwell, Surfaces/Bridge Workshop, Problem-Solving course(s) Found in: Visualizing Scalar Fields, Geometry of Vector Fields Sequence, Gradient Sequence sequence(s)
Students see probability density for eigenstates and linear combinations of eigenstates for a particle on a ring. The three visual representations: standard position vs probability density plot, a ring with colormapping, and cylindrical plot with height and colormapping, are also animated to visualize time-evolution.
Students use Mathematica to visualize the probability density distribution for the hydrogen atom orbitals with the option to vary the values of \(n\), \(\ell\), and \(m\).
Students observe three different plots of linear combinations of spherical combinations with probability density represented by color on the sphere, distance from the origin (polar plot), and distance from the surface of the sphere.