Students use a PhET simulation to explore the time evolution of a particle in an infinite square well potential.
Time Evolution of the Infinite Square WellLaunch the “Quantum Bound States” PhET. Pause the simulation at t=0.
Make the square well potential as deep as you can on the screen to approximate an infinite well.
What happens to the energy levels if you:
- change the width of the well?
- change the mass of the particle?
How your observations are consistent with the equation for the energy eigenvalues?
At t=0, what do the energy eigenstate wavefunctions look like?
- The real part?
- The imaginary part?
- The magnitude?
- The phase?
How do these shapes and colors make sense?
At t=0, what does the probability density look like for the energy eigenstates?
How is the shape of the probability density related to the shape of the wavefunction?
For the n=2 energy eigenstate (in other words, the first excited state)
If you were looking for the particle in the box, where is the particle most likely to be? Explain.
- What is the expectation value of the position of the particle? Explain.
As time passes, what do the energy eigenstates do? (What do they look like?)
- The real part?
- The imaginary part?
- The magnitude?
- The phase?
Explain why you see what you see.
As time passes, what does the probability density of the energy eigenstates look like?
Explain why you see what you see.
Create a superposition state:
- What does the wavefunction look like at t=0?
- How does the wavefunction evolved with time?
- How does the probability density evolved with time?
Explain why you see what you see.
Hightlighting how the energy levels of the well change as we change m (mass) and L (size of the box) could be handled as a quick wrap up near the beginning of the activity but might be uncecessary. A mid-activity wrap up discussing the \(t=0\) parts is advised so students are all on the same page going into time evolution, where the key details should be:
The final wrap up at the end of the activity shoould focus on the variablility present in the superposition of wave functions and how the change in probability density indicates we are no longer in a stationary state and we should expect our probabilities of position meaurements in particular regions of the well to change.