Student handout: Flux through a Cone

Static Fields 2021
Students calculate the flux from the vector field \(\vec{F} = C\, z\, \hat{z}\) through a right cone of height \(H\) and radius \(R\) .
What students learn
  • Calculational fluency with flux;
  • Finding the component of a field perpendicular to a surface;
  • Finding the differential area element of a surface by taking the cross product of two vector differentials in the surface, \(d\vec{A}=d\vec{r}_1\times d\vec{r}_2\).
Flux through a Cone
Find the flux through a cone of height \(H\) and radius \(R\) due to the vector field \(\vec{F} = C\,z\,\hat{z}\).

Author Information
Corinne Manogue, Liz Gire
Learning Outcomes